Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weird Green Products

Lately, everyone is jumping on the green train. Here are a few of the more fascinating passengers.

The Treadmill Bike

The first thing you must get over when choosing the green lifestyle is the fact that you’re going to look weird. Whether it’s hemp lederhosen or crazy vehicles like this. But then again, all the more opportunity to evangelize about your greenitude.

[via greendaily]

Magic Fairy Mist

MAGIC FAIRY Mist 250ml

Lightly spritz your child into peaceful slumber with magic fairy mist. It’s like the opposite of sour apple spray for dogs.

Natalia Baby Bottom Butter


When shopping for butt lard, I always choose the eco-friendly option.

PooPooPaper – The Elephant Dung Greeting Card Company


I cannot derive any further amusement than this provides already.


The Terra Grass Chair


Reunite your butt with nature. Chairs only serve as an insulator, keeping your tender parts from biting insect and true union with the dirt gaia mother. The Terra Grass Chair cradles your fundament in green, itchy comfort, providing a convenient ramp for earth’s tingly life force, and centipede.

Only £59.99, which is about $30,000.

Memento Coffee Table Casket.


A recent fake study conducted by the Goldfish & Goldfish Research Group LLC says that 90% of all landfill waste is discarded coffee tables, and 80% of those are from IKEA. To combat this horror, Charles Constantine designed this Coffin Table. When you’re done with it, and done with life, just crawl inside and expire. Your friends will know what to do.

Via: Inhabitat

Citrus Powered Digital Clock


“Trust the hunch of a man whose brain is FUELED BY LEMONS!?” – Arthur Dent, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Movie Version)

Zaphod was clearly not trustworthy, but I’m sure as long as you keep this clock perpetually supplied with fresh lemons you’d always get to work on time. Not to mention that lingering lemony-freshness.

Solar-Powered Keyhole Light


Not recommended for dingy apartments or basement entrances. At all.

Finally, a Reason for Fashion


Fashion designers, a group traditionally immune to fads and sensations, have jumped on the eco-train with great fervor. Check out these green-friendly fashion links

Green My Style

Junky Styling

Eco Fashion World

Murphy’s Law of Green Vehicles – The Weirder is Looks, the Better it must be for Earth


This vehicle runs on compressed air tanks filled by the cars electrical system. The air then powers the cars pistons which makes it go, I wonder how fast though.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Leed housing is like takin candy from a baby...

If you don’t have the LEED, then you are in danger of falling behind! LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is setting the standard for creating sustainable housing in the United States. For many families, it’s not the lack of desire to make their homes greener. Rather, it’s a simple lack of knowledge about how to actually accomplish this feat. Well folks, here are some of the things that LEED can easily walk you through and help you with:

It’s not more expensive. In fact, it can both save and make you fists full of cash! The whole concept behind green housing is that it is much more energy efficient. More energy efficiency means less money is taken out of your pocket every month! The occupants of a LEED certified home save on average almost 2000 buckaroos annually on their utility bills. It is also important to note that green homes on average have a significantly higher resale value.
Providing a safer home for the fam/roommates. Part of LEED certification requires the use of better ventilation than currently exists in most homes. It also requires the use of non-toxic paints, and for those cool cats like me that have gone through life sneezing every day; simple strategies are implemented to reduce the existence of excess moisture. Alright, no more mildew!

How to looking out for the lovely lady known as “mother nature”. When compared to a typical everyday home, green homes use a lot less water, gas, electric, and create far less waist.
Alright, I feel as if I may be losing your attention, so I will do my best now to wrap things up. To put it in the simplest terms, LEED certification is a very good thing. It’s actually a voluntary program that was started by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). They are not trying to make money, but they are trying to help America become more environmentally friendly. If LEED certification is something that you are interested in obtaining for your home, then you can get more information at .

Was becoming more informed this week as wild and crazy for you as it was for me? Boy oh boy, I almost fell out of my chair while I was typing everything out ;-). Until next time you crazy cats, it’s a sunny day and time’s wasting away. I’m outta here!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cereal is the key to becoming more Green.

It's simple and I think that a good example is indeed cereal. Have you ever noticed how friggin big a box of cereal is and how much smaller the actual bag within the box is? Companies are so concerned with making their product look way bigger than it is that the size of packaging has gone completely mad. Pretty soon, we'll be able to purchase a single piece of wrigley spearmint that comes in a package the size of a milk crate. I say, cram that cereal into the box like you cram your clothes into a suitcase!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How to be a social entrepreneur

How to be a social entrepreneur

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